Sigune Hamann
Selected works
Online projects
Research teaching
Selected works
Pareja Project | 2021-2023
DinnerFor1 online | 2020
Film-strip, Did you spot the Gorilla | 2019
Did you spot the Gorilla? Exhibition | 2019
YOU | 2018-20
Freshers | 2016/18
Face to face upside down | 2017
Kunstraum, Düsseldorf | 2017
Fair's fair | 2015/16/17
Emergency training (Tokyo) | 2016
Film-strips panning | 2016
Film-strips/scrolls | 2015
Mayday | 2015
Blown off roof | 2015
In the name of | 2013
Miners' Gala | 2017/16/15/13
Wave | 2012
Whitehall | 2011
In Transit (Tokyo) | 2010
The walking up and down bit | 2009
Undercurrent | 2008
A very short space of time through very short times of space | 2008
Heimlich | 2007
Assmanshaussen | 2007
Lehmann und Lehmann | 2007
Dinnerfor1 | 2005
Walkalone-neverwalkalone | 2005
Dialogue of the dogs | 2003
Miners' Gala
Series of photographs